A year in review. My goodness where to begin. What a challenging year for literally the entire planet. Various countries have faced so many challenges of how to keep their people safe plus, at least a hundred other things a day to face. As 2020 comes to an end tonight at a beautiful 11:59P, we ring in 2021 with all the hope of beautiful changes, getting back to a healthier globe and the ability to have more of our freedoms again. At least I am hoping for that. I’m hopeful to continue with healthy changes in the new year.

Although we took zero vacations out of the state of Florida this year, (all the sad feelings 😩) we were still both able to be considered essential enough to work and maintain our jobs through this whole year. 🙌🏻 Praise be to God! Throughout the year, we did quite a few things to occupy our time and attention.

Visited the 2nd largest oak tree in Florida right here in Lake County

Helped my Grandparents move from: GA—>FL. Seriously thought I was going die on that flight in early March. Worst turbulence, never felt so nauseous on a flight. Legit almost lost my guts. 🤪🤢

Learned a little more than a month ago that we will have a new birthday to celebrate next year because we have a new niece or nephew coming next summer!!! We are so excited!!! 🤍🤍🤍🎉

got diagnosed with #pcos & a few other things

This was a tough month. I’ll definitely be sharing more about this in the near future. Overwhelmed myself with trying to educate myself about this disease and how to help my body heal. Still learning about this and my body. I also got an allergy test again after nearly a decade and found out I’m allergic to literally trees…my husband is basically the Lorax…he works for the trees and that has been another challenge. Then I got diagnosed with psoriasis. Yay for year 29 of life. 🙄🤪 Facing all the challenges, but I ain’t no quitter.

bought our first freakin house this year too 🥳🥳🥳

This year, I learned that wearing masks daily sucks. I have developed the ability to trust myself in so many ways which naturally built my confidence. I learned to be brave and go to doctors visits solo. Cried a lot this year. Had both heart warming and some difficult conversations. Watched more movies than I think is good for a person. Danced with my husband in the living room a lot. Learned to accept life for what it is/was in this season. I took very little days off but the days off have been meaningful. Spent more time with my grandparents in the past 10 months than I have in the longest time. Most of all, I learned to smile, I learned to cope with things in healthy ways and naturally revert to poor coping skills like drinking a shit ton of sugary drinks. Like I said, this year hasn’t been easy by a long shot, we’ve all faced challenges we never anticipated or planned for, but here we are. We are only hours away from a fresh start.

so smile, it’s not a bad life just a tough year.

I am beyond excited to begin 2021. I’ve been prepping both my planner and journal with all the bullet journal inspired ideas to track my daily goals and maintain my consistency in life. I preach it all the time, but I never, I mean NEVER practice it. So consistency just felt right for my word in 2021. What’s your word for the new year? How will you make it keep happening for yourself? How will you make goals that can actually be accomplished for yourself?

from my mental health page on Instagram, my tag name above 💜

As we reach 2021, my husband and I wish you and your family a most incredible, blessed, beautiful and happy new year! May this new year be filled with all the good parts of life, fresh new memories of adventures and taking risks so you don’t live life in regret!

Happy New Year,

The Henson Tribe 🤍🤍

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